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Social security is one of the success obtained by the United States. This programme provides basic economic Security more than 47 million Americans and their families. Reason for protection was built, we come by eliminating poverty for the elderly. It also helps in providing basic income millions of families that suffered death or disability income.

Financial security Jamsostek was very strong. In 2003, he took on the level of $161 billion more than it paid interest. This program has resources to benefit the baby boomers a

nd their children and grandchildren. Security guards are predicting that it will pay the benefits is getting through at least in the coming years when yg advertise so
mething baby still alive are mostly in/80 's and 90 ' s. If economic growth term long WE down by half the level of 50 years, the trust can be depleted after 2042, social security payroll tax alone but still will cover benefits worth about $1000 more after receiving the inflation of the elderly today.

Using less pessimistic assumptions, the overseer projected long run low-cost predict that it will continue to provide each generation of retirees with benefits that are much cheaper than the predecessor through the rest of the 21st century. Social security finances is really in good condition why have many politicians, journalists and policy analysts who warn us that something must be done to save it? How do we have so many Americans who are becoming convinced that there would be no for them.

Misconceptions about social security as a prediction about the future is much based on the assumption the gain reported as fact  ", often distorted and almost always considered out of context. In addition, a number of organizations and individuals committed to privatisation is driven by ideology or hope of advantage of billions of dollars of investments that can produce a system that was privatised.

Most Americans would be worse off financially under a system that was privatised, will all be safer, and creating a new system of new taxes would cost trillions of dollars. In this regard, undermine faith in the existing program has been a key strategy of the private organization was used to pro
mote their agenda.

The report provides background information on travel Jamsostek, explain how it is that Americans can easily buy our residents even as they age, and the period, showing the basic problems with the proposed to privatize the program.

Finally, it recommends ways that we must improve social security to serve America better. Although we often see it as a retirement program, 30% of the beneficiaries take the survivor from Disability insurance. Social Security survivors insurance benefits to families of workers died, including children under 18, 18 and 19 year-olds in secondary schools, children with disabilities or children, woman's age-dependent and the pair will be the elderly, disabled, or take care of children who are eligible.

The trust's scheme is based on insights & project Trustees and expenditure of social security 75 years into the future. Projections take a lot of assumptions about the birth Rate, immigration, unemployment, salaries, on average, life expectancy, etc. More than 75 years, the small differences in assumptions can lead to large differences in the results. The Trustees make three different interpretations based on different assumptions. Three scenarios this is called low-cost projections, medium and high-cost:

Trustee of the intermediate projection: projection of the Trustees predicted that the medium of social security payroll taxes will continue to exceed benefits until 2018, and the combination of taxes and interest the Trust will cover benefits until the year 2028.

Low-cost projections of the Trustees assuming a slightly different assumptions predict that Trust will never runs out and the program will always have the resources to pay full benefits without changes in tax rates or benefit to the formula.